Transformer BushingsTransformer Bushings are insulating structures that facilitate the way of current-carrying conductors of the transformer through the grounded tank. They can be availed in solid form and in capacitance-graded form. Solid-form bushes are used in low voltage winding transformers and capacitance-graded bushes are installed in transformers high voltage windings. These bushes are used to transmit electrical power in as well as out of enclosures. In addition to transformers, they are also used in circuit breakers, power capacitors, etc. They are designed with desired level of insulation to withstand the voltage with insulated structures. Moreover, their current-carrying conductors are designed for carrying rated current with no overheating the adjoining insulation. They are rated by the utmost voltage and current value for which they are developed to provide the best results to the users. Features of Transformer Bushings: